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Free math video lessons for 5th grade

This is a collection of free math videos for 5th grade, showing varied exercises for each topic. They match Math Mammoth Grade 5 curriculum but will also work no matter which curriculum you follow (in other words, the videos don't rely on you having Math Mammoth curriculum).

Please choose a topic from the list. I will expand the list as I'm able to edit and upload more videos.

Chapter 1: The four operations

Review: Addition and Subtraction – this lesson uses bar models for addition and subtraction equations, plus teaches some math terms related to addition and subtraction

Review: Multiplication and Division – simple equations, bar models, terminology

Multiplying in Parts

The Multiplication Algorithm

The Multiplication Algorithm: 2-by-3 digit multiplication, plus a word problem

More Multiplication: 3-by-3 and 3-by-4 digit multiplications, multiplying numbers with lots of zeros, plus word problems

Divide in Parts (as part of the lesson Long Division in chapter 1)

Long Division with a Two-Digit Divisor

Long Division as Continued Subtraction

Chapter 1: The Four Operations

Divisibility Factors

(Primes and Finding Factors — as a review from 4th grade)

Prime Factorization

Chapter 2: Large Numbers and the Calculator

Exponents and Powers

Adding and Subtracting Large Numbers


The Calculator

When to Use the Calculator

Chapter 3: Problem Solving

Balance Problems and Equations

Problem Solving with Bar Models 1

Problem Solving with Bar Models 2

Problem Solving with Bar Models 3

Problem Solving with Bar Models 4

Chapter 4: Decimals, Part 1

Review: Tenths and Hundreds

More Decimals: Thousands

Comparing Decimals — up to 3 decimal digits (thousandths)

Rounding Decimals

Add and Subtract Decimals — Mental Math

Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers 1: long division

Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers 1: word problems

Chapter 5: Graphing

The Coordinate Grid

Numerical Patterns in the Coordinate Grid

Line graphs

Double and Triple Line Graph

Mean and mode

Chapter 6: Decimals, Part 2

Multiplying Decimals by Decimals 1

Multiplying Decimals and whole numbers: scaling

Divide Decimals — Mental Math, Part 1

Divide Decimals — Mental Math, Part 2

Multiply and Divide Decimals by Powers of Ten

Divide Decimals by Decimals

Problem Solving

Converting Between Customary Units of Measurement

The Metric System 1 and 2 (2 videos)

Rounding Measurements (for the 2020 edition only)

Chapter 7: Fractions: Add and Subtract

Review: Mixed Numbers

Adding Mixed Numbers, part 1: add and subtract like fractions

Adding Mixed Numbers, part 2

Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Equivalent Fractions

Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions

Finding The (Least) Common Denominator

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

Comparing Fractions

See also: Add and Subtract Fractions – Online Practice

Chapter 8: Fractions: Multiply and Divide

Simplifying Fractions

Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers

Multiply Fractions by Fractions

Fraction Multiplication and Area

Simplifying Before Multiplying

Multiplying Mixed Numbers

Multiplication as Scaling/Resizing

Fractions are Divisions

Dividing Fractions: Sharing Divisions

Dividing Fractions: Fitting the Divisor

Dividing Fractions: the Shortcut

Chapter 9: Geometry

Review: Angles


Draw a square with a given side, and copy a triangle (for the 2020 edition only)

Draw a hexagon and measure its angles (for the 2020 edition only)


Classifying Quadrilaterals (2023 edition)

Classifying Quadrilaterals (2020 edition)

Classifying Triangles

Area and Perimeter Problems

Volume of a Rectangular Prism and Cubic Units


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