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Long division with decimals, plus fractions to decimals

A beginner lesson on how to divide decimals using long division, when the divisor is a whole number and the dividend is a decimal number. Actually, it is super easy: you divide normally, and then put the decimal point in the answer in the same place where it is in the dividend.

The situation is altogether different if the DIVISOR is a decimal — please see this video to learn that.

In this lesson, we also look at whole-number divisions that turn into decimal divisions, if we don't want a remainder.

For example, to divide 52 by 7, one could say the answer is 7 remainder 3. But, there is also the possibility of continuing the division into the decimal digits.

Lastly, we briefly look at how to convert fractions into decimals, because it ties in. A fraction IS a division, so any fraction can be considered as a division problem. To write a fraction as a decimal, you simply divide. In this lesson, we use long division to do that, but you could of course use a calculator for the same end.

This lesson is meant for 5th grade math (and onward).

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