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Lesson Plans for Math Mammoth Complete Curriculum (Light Blue Series)

LESSON PLANS for the Math Mammoth complete curriculum work inside Homeschool Planet software. The plans help you pace the curriculum (which is something that many of my customers have asked about), and offer instructional video links and links to Internet games and activities that are matched to each lesson in the curriculum.

You also have the option of purchasing a "PLUS" version of each plan, which additionally includes a PDF version of the plan. :) If you prefer the PDF, you don't have to use Homeschool Planet; you can simply use the PDF and ignore the Homeschool Planet part.

Essential features of the lesson plans

  • The lesson plan assigns specific pages from the curriculum to each day in the plan, thus pacing the curriculum for you. And if you miss a day of school work, you can easily "push" the tasks ahead in time in the calendar software, or dismiss them. The student receives a note of each day's tasks inside the Homeschool Planet, and after finishing, can mark each task as completed.
  • Next, the plan includes links to teaching videos by the author (Maria Miller). These videos are matched to the lessons they belong to. You CAN also find these videos here or at Math Mammoth Youtube channel, but they are not mapped to the exact lessons they belong to anywhere else EXCEPT in the lesson plan!
  • Moreover (and this is a great feature), the plans offer a wealth of Internet resources, games, and activities that are mapped to specific lessons in the curriculum. There is one such online game, activity, animation, or other resource for nearly every lesson — and many lessons have several of these.

    The Internet resources can be used in several ways: for some fun, for review, for extra practice of skills and concepts, and so on. Some of them are additional illustrations (such as animations) to help the student actually learn the concept.

    Most of these Internet links are also listed in the curriculum itself, in the introduction of each chapter. However, the lesson plan allows you to have the right ones just a click away for EACH lesson, instead of being a long list of links that you have to find in the book, and then choose from. The lesson plan essentially reduces the planning time for you! You can, of course, go to those links at other days also than when they are "assigned" in the plan.

    These links are and will be checked and updated at least once a year. You will be automatically notified of an update, and you can then choose if you want to apply the update to the software.

Please see these screenshots from the Lesson Planet calendar view below. Click to enlarge:

Here is a screenshot of the PDF format:

Math Mammoth Lesson Plans (Regular)

Note: This version of the lesson plan is the interactive online version used inside Homeschool Planet planner. The PDF is not included.

Note: If there are several versions listed, please check your Math Mammoth curriculum for the copyright date listed on the 2nd page, and purchase the lesson plan that matches the copyright year of the curriculum.

Math Mammoth Lesson Plan Grades 1-8 Bundle — BEST VALUE
(Includes the regular versions of the lesson plans.)

Retail: $79.60 Special bundle price: $54.95 USD. You save 31%!
Add to cart
Math Mammoth Grade 1 Lesson Plan (regular)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 2 Lesson Plan (regular)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Lesson Plan (regular; 2019 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Lesson Plan (regular; 2024 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Lesson Plan (regular; 2019 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Lesson Plan (regular; 2020 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Lesson Plan (regular; 2020 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Lesson Plan (regular; 2023 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Lesson Plan (regular; 2014-2021 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Lesson Plan (regular; 2022 edition)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 7 Lesson Plan (regular)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 8 Lesson Plan (regular)
(The interactive version used in Homeschool Planet.)

Price: $9.95 USD

The plans above are for single-family use. If your school or institution would like to use the lesson plans, please contact Homeschool Planet for licensing them.

Important Note 1: Purchasing any of the lesson plans does NOT include the actual curriculum (Math Mammoth Light Blue Series). To use the lesson plan, you must have Math Mammoth Light Blue Series for your desired grade level, either as a download version or as printed books.

Important Note 2: You will be using the interactive online component of the plan in Homeschool Planet software (see more info below).

If you ARE NOT a current Homeschool Planet subscriber, you will automatically be given a FREE 30-day trial subscription. You will be instructed to create an account with Home School Planet in order to use this 30-day free trial.

After the free trial period, you CAN continue using the lesson plan(s) with the Free Version of Homeschool Planet for as long as you like — or you can purchase a Premium Version subscription (available on this page for $69.95/year). Compare the FREE versus PREMIUM subscriptions here.

Licensing agreement

The plans sold on this page are for single-family use. If your school or institution would like to use the lesson plans, please contact Homeschool Planet for licensing them.

Math Mammoth Lesson Plans (PLUS)

Note: This version of the lesson plan includes both the interactive online version and a PDF version of the plan.

Note: If there are several versions listed, please check your Math Mammoth curriculum for the copyright date listed on the 2nd page, and purchase the lesson plan that matches the copyright year of the curriculum.

Due to an agreement with Homeschool Planet, we do not sell the PDF version alone. If you only want to use the PDF version of the lesson plan, that is possible. Simply purchase the PLUS version, and ignore the part about Homeschool Planet. You will get a download link for the PDF.

Math Mammoth Lesson Plan PLUS Grades 1-8 Bundle — BEST VALUE
(Includes the regular PLUS PDF versions of the lesson plans.)

Retail: $119.60 Special bundle price: $79.95 USD. You save 33%!
Add to cart
Math Mammoth Grade 1 Lesson Plan PLUS
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 2 Lesson Plan PLUS
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Lesson Plan PLUS (2019 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Lesson Plan PLUS (2024 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Lesson Plan PLUS (2019 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Lesson Plan PLUS (2020 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Lesson Plan PLUS (2020 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Lesson Plan PLUS (2023 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Lesson Plan PLUS (2014-2021 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Lesson Plan PLUS (2022 edition)
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 7 Lesson Plan PLUS
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD
Math Mammoth Grade 8 Lesson Plan PLUS
(Includes BOTH the interactive version and a PDF file of the plan.)

Price: $14.95 USD

Important Note 1: Purchasing any of the lesson plans does NOT include the actual curriculum (Math Mammoth Light Blue Series). To use the lesson plan, you must have Math Mammoth Light Blue Series for your desired grade level, either as a download version or as printed books.

Important Note 2: You will be using the interactive online component of the plan in Homeschool Planet software (see more info below).

If you ARE NOT a current Homeschool Planet subscriber, you will be given a FREE 30-day trial subscription. You will need to create an account with Home School Planet in order to use this 30-day free trial.

After the free trial period, you CAN continue using the lesson plan(s) with the Free Version of Homeschool Planet for as long as you like — or you can purchase a Premium Version subscription (available on this page for $69.95/year). Compare the FREE versus PREMIUM subscriptions here.

Licensing agreement

The plans sold on this page are for single-family use. If your school or institution would like to use the lesson plans, please contact Homeschool Planet for licensing them.

Homeschool Planet planner

You can read much more about Homeschool Planet here, but in a nutshell, this is an online planner specifically designed for homeschoolers.

It not only allows you to plan your home school, but also helps you with daily chores and other aspects of life! Some features include:

  • Separate logins for kids to view their assignments and check them off when completed.
  • Daily Digest emails to everyone in your family with their own schedule, assignments, and chores for the day
  • Easy attendance tracking, grading and transcript creation
  • Shopping lists that you can text to your spouse or have sent to your smartphone when on the go
  • Grade your student's work to recognize or reward completion.
  • Generate reports, reminders, and much more!

Please read a fuller description here — plus you can also sign up for a 30-day free trial.

You can also access lots of video tutorials on how to use the planner software.

You can purchase a subscription to Homeschool Planet right here at

One-Year Subscription to Homeschool Planet

Price: $84.95 USD

Note: Homeschool Planet is published by Homeschool Planet.

Some facts and figures

  • Math Mammoth Grade 1 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 1 curriculum over a period of 179 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 8 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 8 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 163 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 2 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 2 curriculum over a period of 185 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 10 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 10 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 165 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 3 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 3 curriculum over a period of 195 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 10 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 10 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 175 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 4 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 4 curriculum over a period of 190 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 8 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 8 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 174 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 5 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 5 curriculum over a period of 190 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 8 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 8 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 174 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 6 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 6 curriculum over a period of 184 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 10 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 10 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 164 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 7 Lesson Plans: To accomodate different needs, Maria has created THREE different versions of the Grade 7 lesson plan. You get all three with your purchase.

    1. The Math Mammoth Grade 7 (PreAlg) Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 7 curriculum over a period of 187 days. This "Pre-Algebra" version includes the chapter on the Pythagorean Theorem but not the chapter on statistics (in contrast, the grade 7 "Long" version includes both, and the "Regular" version includes the statistics, but not the Pythagorean Theorem). The schedule includes one day for each of the 10 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 10 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 167 days.
    2. The Math Mammoth Grade 7 (Regular) Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 7 curriculum over a period of 188 days. This version is appropriate for parents following the Common Core. It includes the chapter on statistics but not the chapter on the Pythagorean Theorem (in contrast, the grade 7 "Long" version includes both, and the "PreAlg" version includes the Pythagorean Theorem, but not the statistics). The schedule includes one day for each of the 10 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 10 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 168 days.
    3. The Math Mammoth Grade 7 (Long) Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 7 curriculum over a period of 202 days. This "Long" version includes both the chapter on the Pythagorean Theorem as well as the chapter on statistics (in contrast, the grade 7 "CC" version omits the chapter on the Pythagorean Theorem, and the grade 7 "Pre-Alg" version omits the statistics chapter). The schedule includes one day for each of the 11 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 11 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 180 days.
  • Math Mammoth Grade 8 Lesson Plan assigns the lessons and tests from Math Mammoth Grade 8 curriculum over a period of 151 days. This schedule includes one day for each of the 8 chapters for additional review as directed by the parent, and 8 days for the chapter tests, so in reality, the material from the student book is covered in 135 days.


Math-Mammoth has been a total blessing! I have two boys aged eight and seven. Before Math Mammoth, my eight year old did well in math, but found math boring and my second grader flat out had trouble with math. The curriculum I was using last year wasn't a good fit for my artistic, right brain critter. He really enjoys the pictures on the worksheets and it really has enabled him to grasp what he is learning. I also purchased the lesson plans (to use with homeschool planet). These are awesome! It provides instructional videos and/or links to math games. My kids love them! I went ahead and purchased the seven year bundle hoping it would be a good match. Money well spent! The total cost of seven years of Math Mammoth cost the same as one year of some of the other curriculums I was thinking of getting. I really couldn't be more pleased with this purchase.

Rachel F.

I am a happy first-time user of Homeschool Planet. In the past I made weekly spreadsheets for each of my two daughters depicting all of their classes. Every Sunday night I would add their weekly assignments into the spreadsheet with pen and ink. My kids could not decipher my assignment notes, so every night before school I would write their daily assignments on paper so they would know what to do in the morning. Laborious at best.

I am so excited to have found Homeschool Planet. I use Math Mammoth, Veritas Press Bible and History and IEW, so many of my classes had pre-made lesson plans. It took me a little trial and error to learn how to use the system, but now I feel very comfortable and have added the rest of their classes and activities into the program with very little trouble. The system is easy to use and the tutorials are very helpful. I know this is going to save me HOURS and HOURS of time during the school year.

One of my favorite features is that I can adjust the schedule easily. If we don't get to a lesson one day, I can choose to double up the next day, move all of the lessons forward or just skip it. There are a ton of options available as far as scheduling adjustment. Also, you can make the assignments and activities as simple or a detailed as you like. One of the best things about the Math Mammoth pre-made lesson plans is that all of the authors instructional videos and math games are included (with a link) for every daily lesson. My kids "get" to do the videos and links after they finish their workbook pages, and they just click on the link in Homeschool Planet instead of searching on the internet (thank you Math Mammoth!).

When I first started using the program I was printing out my daughters assignments for the week which are formatted on one sheet of paper (super nice). However, since our computer is in our homeschool room, I have found that they would rather "check off" their completed assignments on the computer and I no longer have to print out the weekly assignments (they are in 3rd and 5th grade BTW). The best part is that they can easily see what needs to be done for the week and can work ahead if they like (which I have found that they will do now since they have all the information available to them). They also enjoy looking forward to when each class is going to end for the year, and will often double up assignments to make the school year one day shorter- which I LOVE!

I rarely ever write reviews, but this product has been a game changer for me as far as homeschool planning. I am a huge fan and hope with more people using it there will be more pre-made lesson plans available!

J. Koontz
Co-op Member


  1. Add your chosen lesson plan or a lesson plan bundle to the cart, and go through the purchase process.
  2. You will then receive an email with one or more REDEMPTION CODES, as needed, and a link to a webpage where you can apply them. Click the link, and apply the redemption code.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to get started with Homeschool Planet and your new lesson plan(s).

    Note: If you ARE a current Homeschool Planet subscriber, Homeschool Planet will give you an option to apply the lesson plan(s) to your calendar the next time you sign in. If you are already signed in, simply refresh the page.

    If you ARE NOT a Homeschool Planet subscriber, you will be given a FREE 30-day trial subscription. After that, you can continue using the lesson plan(s) with the Free Version of Homeschool Planet for as long as you like, or purchase a Premium Version subscription (available on this page for $69.95/year). (Compare.)


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- How to help a student who is behind
- Troubles with word problems
- Teaching multiplication tables
- Why fractions are so difficult
- The value of mistakes
- Should you use timed tests
- And more!

You will also receive:

A GIFT of over 400 free worksheets and sample pages from my books right in the very beginning. smile A monthly collection of math teaching tips & Math Mammoth updates (unsubscribe any time)
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Note: You will FIRST get an email that asks you to confirm your email address. If you cannot find this confirmation email, please check your SPAM/JUNK folder.

Maria's Math Tips

Enter your email to receive math teaching tips, resources, Math Mammoth news & sales, humor, and more! I tend to send out these tips about once monthly, near the beginning of the month, but occasionally you may hear from me twice per month (and sometimes less often). smile

Peek at the previous tips here.

You will also receive:

  • A GIFT of over 400 free worksheets and sample pages from my books. smile
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