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Free 4th grade math video lessons

This is a collection of free math videos for 4th grade, showing varied exercises for each topic. They match Math Mammoth Grade 4 curriculum but will also work no matter which curriculum you follow (in other words, the videos don't rely on you having Math Mammoth curriculum).

Please choose a topic from the list. Please realize this is not a complete coverage of all 4th grade math. There isn't (yet) a video for every lesson in Math Mammoth Grade 4 curriculum, and I hope to add to the collection in the future. Also, some of the videos are older work of mine, but listed here in case they are still helpful to some.

Chapter 1: Addition, subtraction, rounding, and graphs

Bar Models in Addition and Subtraction Problems

The Order of Operations

Making a Bar Graph



Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts

Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts: word problems

Chapter 2: Large Numbers and Place Value


At the Edge of Whole Thousands

More Thousands

Practicing with Thousands

Adding and Subtracting Big Numbers

Rounding and Estimating with Large Numbers

Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000

Chapter 3: Multi-Digit Multiplication

Scales Puzzles (2 videos)

Multiply in Parts 1 – 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication

Multiply in Parts 2 – partial products algorithm for 3-digit numbers and money amounts

Estimating in Multiplication

Multiplying in Columns - the Easy Way — 1-digit by 2,3,4-digit multiplication; standard algorithm

Order of Operations Again

Money and Change & money word problems (2 videos)

So Many of the Same Thing

Multiply by Whole Tens in Columns — aka a shortcut for 2-digit multiplication when one factor is a multiple of ten

The Standard Multiplication Algorithm With a Two-Digit Multiplier — aka two-digit multiplication, and why we add a zero on the 2nd line (2 videos)

Chapter 4: Time and Measuring

Time Units

Elapsed Time 1

Videos for measurement units are found on this page. You can also use these shortcut links:

Measuring Temperature — Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees

Measuring Length (to the nearest 1/8 inch and in cm/mm)

Feed, Yards, and Miles (conversions between inches, feet, and yards)

Metric Units for Measuring Length (from millimeter to kilometer)

Customary Units of Weight

Metric Units of Weight

Metric Units of Volume

Chapter 5: Division

video thumbnail

The Order of Operations and Division

The Remainder, Part 1

The Remainder, Part 2 – we learn to write division with a different symbol and learn about the remainder in word problems

How to Teach Long Division – this video is for the teacher only

Long Division — step-by-step examples (several videos)

Remainder Problems – word problems involving long division with a remainder

Concept of average

Finding Fractional Parts with Division

Divisibility (and factors & multiples)

Prime Numbers

Finding Factors

Chapter 6: Geometry

Videos for 4th (and 5th) grade geometry are found on the same page. You can also use these shortcut links:

Review: Area and Perimeter

Lines, Rays, and Angles

Drawing Angles (How to use the protractor)

Estimating Angles

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (how to draw a right angle and a rectangle)



Chapter 7: Fractions

Mixed Numbers and Fractions

Adding Mixed Numbers (with like fractional parts)

Equivalent Fractions

Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers (2 videos)

Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers (2 videos)

Chapter 8: Decimals

Decimals Numbers — Tenths — tenths

Adding and Subtracting with Tenths

Two Decimal Digits — Hundredths (2 videos)

Add and Subtract Decimals in Columns (2 videos)

Add and Subtract Decimals Mentally (2 videos)

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