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Videos for addition and subtraction topics for grades 1-4

Find here free online math videos topics related to addition and subtraction, meant for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades.

The videos listed here are additionally correlated to the Blue Series books Addition 1, Subtraction 1, Add & Subtract 2-A, Add & Subtract 2-B, Add & Subtract 3, and Add & Subtract 4.

Addition of single-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Addition 1 (Blue Series).

Learn the symbols + and =

Addition with missing numbers (missing addend)

Addition of three numbers

Addition on a number line

Addition facts within 10 — six videos matching the lessons titled "Sums with 6", "Sums with 7", "Sums with 8", "Sums with 9", and "Sums with 10".

Comparisons – compare numbers and sums

Subtraction within 0-10 and related concepts

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Subtraction 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Subtraction and Addition in the Same Picture – the connection between subtraction and addition

Two subtractions from one addition

Fact families

The concept of "how many more"

"How many more" problems and differences

Subtract many numbers

Addition & subtraction facts within 0-10

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Subtraction 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Addition and subtraction facts with 6 (fact families)

Addition and subtraction facts with 7 (fact families)

Addition and subtraction facts with 8 (fact families)

Addition and subtraction facts with 9 (fact families)

Addition and Subtraction Facts Within 0-18

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Add & Subtract 2-A worktext (Blue Series).

A mental math trick with nine and eight

Difference, subtraction, and "How many more" additions

Number rainbow & fact families with 11

Number rainbow & fact families with 12

Number rainbow & fact families with 13

Number rainbow & fact families with 14

Mental addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Add & Subtract 2-B worktext (Blue Series).

Adding within the same ten – add a 2-digit number and a single-digit number mentally - no regrouping

Add and subtract two-digit numbers – without regrouping

Even & odd numbers


One-half of a number


Add and subtract whole tens (to/from 2-digit numbers)

Going over ten — "make ten" (and go over ten) strategy for addition

Mental addition — several strategies explained

Mental subtraction — several strategies explained

More Mental subtraction — more strategies explained

Regrouping in addition and subtraction (2-digit numbers)

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Add & Subtract 2-B worktext (Blue Series).

Add a 2-digit number and a single-digit number mentally – no regrouping

Regrouping with tens

Mental addition of two-digit numbers

Add three or four single-digit numbers mentally

Regrouping in subtraction, parts 1 and 2 (with 2-digit numbers)

Regrouping in subtraction, part 3 – includes word problems with Mathy and Giganto (mammoth mascots)

Mental subtraction, parts 1 and 2 – strategies for mental subtraction

Addition and Subtraction with 3-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Add & Subtract 3 worktext (Blue Series).

Mental addition (3-digit numbers)

Mental subtraction with three-digit numbers

Regrouping 10 tens as one hundred (3-digit addition)

Regrouping twice in addition

Regrouping one hundred as 10 tens in subtraction

Regrouping one hundred as 10 tens in subtraction: word problems and puzzles

Regrouping twice in subtraction

Regrouping (in subtraction) with zero tens

Three-digit subtraction word problems and a puzzle

The connection with addition and subtraction

Mileage chart

The order of operations — parenthesis, addition & subtraction only

Addition and subtraction topics for 4th grade

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Add & Subtract 4 worktext (Blue Series).

Bar models in addition and subtraction problems

The order of operations and writing simple expressions

Making a bar graph plus word problems

Rounding 4-digit numbers

Estimating the final result

Calculate and estimate money amounts

Calculate and estimate money amounts: word problems


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