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Learn addition facts within 10 - drill video lessons

The videos below present an organized and logical method for children to learn their addition facts within 10 using PATTERNS that arise from the number system itself. Children LOVE patterns, and patterns are the essence of math — mathematics has even been defined as the "science of patterns".

In this method, we study sums with 5, sums with 6, sums with 7, and so on until sums with 10 (also called "number bonds"). These sums or number bonds are not studied in random order, but grouped by the SUM, or the "answer". For example:

In the lesson "Sums with 6", children study these number bonds or sums:
0 + 6
1 + 5
2 + 4
3 + 3
In the lesson "Sums with 7", children study these number bonds or sums:
0 + 7
1 + 6
2 + 5
3 + 4
In the lesson "Sums with 8", children study these number bonds or sums:
0 + 8
1 + 7
2 + 6
3 + 5
4 + 4

Notice that each set of sums (1) has the same SUM or same answer; (2) the first addends (numbers to add) go from 0 onward in order, and (3) the second addends go in descending order.

Each lesson first presents the facts to be studied organized in a "table". Then I (or sometimes Mathy my mascot) drill them with the viewers, pausing for enough time to let children say their answers.

This approach will help the child to tie in the addition facts with a context to better understand the facts on a conceptual level, instead of merely memorizing them at random.

You will also find these lessons in paper (or electronic book) format in Math Mammoth Addition 1 (short workbook) and in Math Mammoth Grade 1 complete curriculum.

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Sums with 5
Sums with 6
Sums with 7
Sums with 8
Sums with 9
Sums with 10

What about subtraction facts? Math Mammoth curriculum practices subtraction facts in the context of fact families. They are presented in my book Math Mammoth Subtraction 1 (short workbook) and in the abovementioned complete curriculum.

See also

Addition facts — online practice

Compare numbers and sums — 1st grade video lesson

Addition of three numbers — 1st grade video lesson

Math Mammoth Addition 1 workbook — covers addition concept and facts within 0-10

Math Mammoth Grade 1 curriculum

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