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Videos for place value related topics for grades 1-6

Find here free online math videos topics related to place value and large numbers, meant for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

The videos listed here are additionally correlated to the Blue Series books Place Value 1, Place Value 2, Place Value 3, Place Value 4, and Place Value 5.

Place value with 2-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Place Value 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Naming and writing 2-digit numbers

The "teen" numbers

Add and subtract whole tens (e.g. 20 + 70 or 80 − 40)

Bar graphs

Place value with 3-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Place Value 2 worktext (Blue Series).

Three-digit numbers, place value, expanded form, 3-digit numbers on a number line (2 videos)

Add and subtract multiples of 100 (mental math)

Mental math: Add and subtract multiples of ten

Bar graphs and pictographs

Place value with 4-digit numbers

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Place Value 3 worktext (Blue Series).

4-digit place value (thousands) and expanded form

Addition and subtraction with 4-digit numbers - mental math

Rounding 3 and 4-digit numbers to the nearest hundred

A lesson on estimation - add/subtract 4-digit numbers

Large numbers and place value

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Place Value 4 worktext (Blue Series).

Adding and subtracting large numbers

Rounding and estimating with large numbers - up to six digits

Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000

Large numbers, exponents, and the calculator

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Place Value 5 worktext (Blue Series).

Exponents and powers

Adding and subtracting large numbers

Rounding large numbers

Example: finding powers of 7 with a calculator

Examples of calculator usage: word problems

Even larger numbers

These are for 6th grade.

Place value up to trillions



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