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Math Mammoth Place Value 4

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45 pages
(includes answers)

Sample pages (PDF)
At the Edge of Whole Thousands
More Thousands
Rounding and Estimating Large Numbers

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Math Mammoth Place Value 4 is a short worktext is a worktext covering place value and large numbers up to 1 million. The book is meant primarily for fourth grade.

The first lessons only deal with thousands, or numbers with a maximum of four digits. These are for review and for deepening the student’s understanding of place value, since it is crucial that the student understands place value with four-digit numbers before moving on to larger numbers. Then, larger numbers will be very easy to study.

The lessons then go on to teach numbers up to one million. Students write numbers in expanded form, compare them, add and subtract them, and learn more about rounding.

Lastly, we briefly study the multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 and multiplying numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000. These lessons prepare the way for some very important ideas that students encounter when they study multi-digit multiplication (also a topic of fourth grade math).

The PDF version of this book can be filled in on a computer, phone, or tablet, using the annotation tools found in many PDF apps. See more.

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How and where to order

You can buy Math Mammoth books at:

  • Here at website — simply use the "Add to cart" buttons you see on the product pages.
  • Rainbow Resource carries printed copies for the Light Blue series books, plus several CDs (Light Blue and Blue series).
  • Homeschool Buyers Club offers download versions of the Light Blue series, plus the Blue series bundle.
  • Homeschool Planet sells the digital versions of the main curriculum and lesson plans to go with them.
  • K5 Learning offers download versions of the Blue series.
  • TPT sells the Light Blue Series downloads, plus topical units.
  • Lulu sells printed copies for most of the Math Mammoth materials (various series).

By purchasing any of the books, permission IS granted for the teacher (or parent) to reproduce this material to be used with his/her students in a teaching situation; not for commercial resale. However, you are not permitted to share the material with another teacher.

In other words, you are permitted to make copies for the students/children you are teaching, but not for other teachers' usage.

Math Mammoth books are PDF files. I recommend you use Adobe Reader to view them, including if you use a Mac. You can try other PDF viewers, but they may at times either omit or mess up some of the images.

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