Math Mammoth Grade 1 Complete Curriculum
Math Mammoth Grade 1 Complete Curriculum gives you everything you need for 1st grade math. It is available both as a download version and as printed copies.

145 pages
129 lesson pages

144 pages
125 lesson pages
1-A contents and samples
1-B contents and samples
Worksheet generator preview
User Guide, grade 1
CCS Alignment / Contents
Scope & sequence
Prices & ordering
You can purchase Math Mammoth Grade 1 as a digital (downloadable) version or as already printed books.
Digital version
Grade 1 complete:
USD $42.50 (download)
(the two worktexts, answer keys, tests, cumulative reviews, a worksheet maker, Soft-Pak)
Part 1-A only:
USD $21.25 (download)
(Everything for the first half of 1st grade math; includes Soft-Pak)
Part 1-B only:
USD $21.25 (download)
(Everything for the second half of 1st grade math; includes Soft-Pak)
You will be purchasing the downloads from my authorized reseller Comecero, LLC.
The CD contains the same files as the digital download: the two worktexts, answer keys, tests, cumulative reviews, a worksheet maker, Soft-Pak.
Printed copies
Rainbow Resource Center sells perfect-bound texts either with full color or with grayscale interior pages:
Math Mammoth grade 1 (b&w)
Math Mammoth grade 1 (color)
Lulu sells spiral (coil) bound versions of the student books and of the tests & reviews book.
1-A worktext $17.50 USD
1-B worktext $17.50 USD
Tests & Cumulative Reviews $11.95 USD
Answer Keys $10.35 USD
(perfect bound)
Supportive materials (digital)
This product is meant to go with the printed student books, and includes digital versions of the answer keys, tests, cumulative revisions, worksheet maker and software Soft-Pak (USD $9.60).
Do NOT purchase if you're getting the answer keys and tests & cumulative revisions as printed books, or if you're getting the digital version.
Lesson plan
You can purchase a lesson plan for Math Mammoth Grade 1 to use it in Homeschool Planet online planner.
Learn more.
Skills Review Workbook
This workbook is supplemental, and provides additional practice for the topics in the curriculum. I recommend you only purchase it once you are sure the student does need supplemental practice. Learn more.
At the heart of the curriculum are two student worktexts (A and B), each covering about half a year of math work. These worktexts contain all the instruction and the exercises in the same book — which makes lesson preparation a breeze. The worktexts are written directly to the student, and thus they allow many children (if they can read) to teach themselves and to learn directly from the books.
You will also get separate answer keys, chapter tests, additional cumulative reviews (I do recommend you use at least some of them), and a versatile worksheet maker (Internet access required) for those times when your child needs just a bit more practice.
- Math Mammoth focuses on conceptual understanding. It explains the "WHY", so your children can understand the math, not just learn "HOW" to do it.
- Concepts are often explained with visual models, followed by exercises using those models. These visual models can take the place of manipulatives for many children; however, it is very easy to add corresponding manipulatives to the lessons if so desired.
- The curriculum is mastery-oriented. This means it concentrates fairly long on a topic, delving into its various aspects. This promotes conceptual understanding, as opposed to spiral curricula that often tend to jump from topic to topic too much.
- There is a strong emphasis on mental math and number sense.
- It requires very little teacher preparation, which is a big benefit to most teachers/parents. :)
- The curriculum has no separate teacher's manual nor is it scripted. The introduction to each chapter has some notes for the teacher concerning the material in the chapter. All the instruction is written directly to the student in the worktext, and there also exist accompanying videos where you can see Maria herself teach the material.
- After each chapter introduction, you will find a list of Internet links and resources (games, quizzes, animations, etc.) that can be used for fun, illustrations, and further practice.
- For addition and subtraction facts, you can use our online practice program (free). Visit the pages for Single-digit Addition Facts online practice and Fact Families online practice

Additional features for the digital version (download/CD)
- The chapter on coins (chapter 8) is included in seven currencies: US, Canadian, British, European, Australian, New Zealand, and South African money. You will automatically get all these versions when you buy the digital version of Grade 1 Complete Curriculum (download or CD).
- The PDF files can be filled in on a computer, phone, or tablet, using the annotation tools found in many PDF apps. Learn more.
- BONUS! The download or CD version also comes with BONUS Soft-Pak programs. The 6 programs in Soft-Pak (4 math, 1 language arts, 1 list maker) offer both on-screen and printable activities in a low-graphic, high content format. Read more and see screenshots.
Overview of topics
The main areas of study in grade 1 curriculum are:
- The concepts of addition and subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction facts
(chapters 1-2; chapter 4);
- Developing understanding of whole number relationships and place value till 100 (chapter 3 and chapter 7);
- Developing understanding of measuring lengths as iterating length units (chapter 6); and
- Reasoning about attributes of geometric shapes, such as the number of sides and the number of corners, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes (chapter 6).
Additional topics we study in first grade are clock to the half hour (chapter 5) and counting coins (chapter
Check out the table of contents for 1-A and 1-B (sample files) to see the topics covered in more detail.
Lesson plan
We offer a lesson plan for Math Mammoth Grade 1 for the Homeschool Planet online planner. This is available in two versions: regular, and PLUS plan which also includes a PDF file of the plan. Learn more.

Skills Review Workbook
Math Mammoth Skills Review Workbook, Grade 1 provides additional practice for the topics in Math Mammoth Grade 1 curriculum. I recommend you only purchase it once you are sure the student does need supplemental practice. Learn more.
Here is a list of manipulatives and tools that are needed or recommended for grade 1:
- A 100-bead abacus (link goes to Amazon) (for 1-A and 1-B; especially the chapter on place value and chapter 7). Read more here.
- An old-fashioned alarm clock or other analog clock where you can turn the minute hand, and see the hour hand turn (for 1-B).
- A ruler that measures in inches (for 1-B).
- A ruler that measures in centimeters (for 1-B).
Reviews / testimonials concerning grade 1 curriculum
Math Mammoth Review — by Wendy at Ladybug Daydreams blog.
Math Mammoth Review — by Yvonne at yvonne_thelifewebuild.
Math Mammoth Review — by Karelfy
Math Is Happy Again — by Meredith at From Meredith to Mommy blog.
Math Mammoth Review by Heather at Running with Spears blog.
Dear Math Mammoth Team,
I wanted to say a big thank you for Math Mammoth. I was new to the homeschooling world when we decided to homeschool our eldest child for her kindergarten year. I researched many math programs because I had been taught with Saxon in public school and I felt it really didn't teach how math works and jumped around with topics to frequently. Many homeschoolers recommended Math-U-See because of the slower pace that was focused on mastery. I couldn't find negative reviews on that particular program and used it for the entire kindergarten year.
Neither my daughter nor I liked the program very well but I decided to use the Alpha level in first grade hoping it would work better for us. Unfortunately, my daughter wasn't getting the concepts and everyday math became more of a slog with no variety in problems or real world math. The blocks also didn't help as much as advertised. Finally after 3 months of this I decided to change programs.
Abeka was recommended to me but I felt it was too similar to Saxon. Not knowing what to do I ordered Abeka's grade 1. While I was waiting for it to arrive I looked through some school books I had collected and found Math Mammoth for grade 1. I thought we could work through that until the Abeka book came. We were in for a surprise!
After three months of not understanding how to solve unknowns with blocks, our daughter could do it easily within a few days using visual dice from Math Mammoth. The variety of solving problems in every way was refreshing for both of us and her number sense took off. We pushed to finish grade 1 in May and by the end of it I could see her competency with numbers was allowed flourish.
I wanted to write this note to say how much we have enjoyed Math Mammoth and appreciate the straightforwardness of this program. It teaches math in such a practical way without boring repetitiveness or lots of fluff. Thank you all!
June 2024
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating an amazing math curriculum! I am a teacher of 14 years now turned homeschool mom of a kindergartener! I looked for a while before hearing about your program. I was not finding anything I liked and thinking I was going to need to create my own (which is what I did a lot during my teaching years because of gaps in curriculum). A friend told me about your program and how much they loved it for their children (now in high school). After just finishing level one (just starting level 2) I can see why this family loved the program! I am completely hooked! I have told many of my friends about this great program and how using it they can feel confident their children are learning the standards and the steps preparing them for the equations....they will be ready for HS math!!! I just want to say thank you for putting the immense amount of time and effort it took to create each of these levels and materials!!! : )
Kristina Bronder
September 2021
This is an awesome curriculum! My first grader is loving it and is able to work independently. With five kids 7 and under that is a huge help! To me this curriculum is a combination of everything I liked from multiple math sources. Definitely going to be continuing and using with younger kids as they grow!
- S. Kennedy, Co-op Member
May 2020
I just wanted to take a moment to express how grateful I am to have found Math Mammoth — it has been such an enormous help for both of my 1st graders. They enjoy it and have sailed through, but have also learned and retained so much. By far my favorite math curriculum — I suggest it to all of my homeschooling friends. Such a better value in every way than Math-U-See!!!
January 2019
I just have to tell you what a wonderful year we've had with Math Mammoth! We are about 2 weeks out from finishing grade 1, and my daughter & I are both excited about moving on to grade 2. We switched in November (at that time, you gave me some placement advice... thank you!), and since then, my daughter has become quite the lover of math! Before MM, we were using Christian Light Education, and she would whine and cry almost daily when it came time for math. She knew the material, but it was pure drudgery for her.
Now, thanks to you &
Mathy (we had to get our own Mathy!), she even asks if we can do math first each day! It's clicking with her, and she is so proud when she's able to quickly answer a problem mentally. We love the
lesson plans for Homeschool Planet, and each day, she's excited to see if we have a video or game to go along with our lesson.
I truly can't thank you enough. Math Mammoth has made such a difference in our homeschool.
Libby Pritchett
This is hands down my favorite option for Math for my 6-year-old son. We have used both the light blue and blue series. My son is able to work through the assignments independently by reading the directions and examples for each lesson. If he needs clarification I am there to assist him but he is able to do most of the assignments independently.
I also had a question about an assignment that I sent to Math Mammoth. I got a personal detailed response from the owner.
This is an easy to use, open and go curriculum.
Erika H.
January 2018
I LOVE this program. As a former math teacher with my masters also in math education I would highly recommend this program at least based on what we have experienced so far in 1st grade. My daughter is enjoying and is improving every day with her math facts. This is definitely a mastery based curriculum which I support.
Jess B.
September 2016
I just wanted to thank you for this excellent curriculum! I tried 3 different 1st grade curriculums for my daughter and none of them were working well for her. Math was just not clicking. I got the entire curriculum (to use for both her, my younger daughter and my numerous tutoring students). She started 1st grade on February 3rd and she will complete the entire 1st grade course (workbooks A & B) by April 25th! (An entire grade in under 12 weeks!) She finally understands the concepts, and now math is her favorite subject! The students I tutor are also benefitting from the curriculum and love how everything is explained.
Math was never my favorite subject in school, and (like my daughter) I now LOVE it and am seeing math in an entirely new light! Thank you!
Brianna Lewis
Homeschool mom, Licensed Teacher and Tutor
April 2016
I don't know what it is about Math Mammoth that makes it work, all I know is that it works. After just a few weeks starting from the first book of first grade, I went from having a 2nd grader who couldn't add or subtract, to a 2nd grader who loves making up math problems and solving them for fun.
- Kimberly, Co-op Member
September 2015
Math Mammoth by Supermomof6kids at Homeschool Reviews for You
We are a homeschooling family with a 6-year-old boy who loves math. We used Math Mammoth grade 1 last year. I made "math packets" for him to complete on his own. He LOVED working on them! I want to thank Maria and everyone else behind the Math Mammoth materials. We look forward to starting grade 2 soon.
July 2014
Hi Maria,
I just had to send you a note saying how much we appreciate your workbooks. My 6-year old son is in kindergarten and has gobbled up the Grade 1 curriculum to the point that we are done with the whole set already! Your books and his learning style has really meshed and I am so happy to have discovered these books!
Thanks so much for making math enjoyable for our family!
Annie Watts
January 2013
Math Mammoth - Review and giveaway from Where He Leads We Follow (August 2012)
Math Mammoth Review from One Little Word She Knew
I have to tell you that now as we draw grade 1 to a close I am so impressed with Math Mammoth. My son who hates worksheets, has learned so much. Wish I had learned math with your program when I was a child. Amazing to see how you lay the groundwork for the understanding of complex concepts. I am so glad that I stuck with Math Mammoth. I tell everyone that asks to use Math Mammoth. Several of my friends have purchased your program after listening to me talk about Math Mammoth. Everyone of them was uncertain, but have all come back to me and raved about what a great program Math Mammoth is. I have to say that another of my favorite things about Math Mammoth is the fact that my son can understand what to do usually on his own, after reading the instructions.
Thank you for putting together such a great program.
Karen Raschio
March 2012
Hi Maria,
I have been using Math Mammoth with my 5 year old for about 6 weeks. I sensed he was ready for "formal" math when he started writing math facts on blank sheets of paper. I have been using Singapore Math for 2 years with my 8 year old with much success. I like SM, but just didn't think it was quite right for Michael. I am discerning when it comes to math curriculum because my personal background is in math. My undergraduate and master's degrees are in math education and I spent nearly 15 years teaching math in middle school, upper school and college in both private and public settings. I co-authored an algebra text for use in the independent school in which I taught for 7 years. We finally decided to create our own text after a 2 year search for a book that covered the topics we wanted to teach using our preferred methods. I know firsthand the importance of a solid early foundation in mathematics and have sadly witnessed all too many students struggle (perhaps unnecessarily) due to a less-than-stellar math background. Needless to say, I want a top-notch curriculum for my own children.
I have found that with Math Mammoth. I respect your background as a math educator and sense that we share the same desire for children to get a good foundation in the basics as well as learn to think and problem solve.
We are working through the first grade light blue series. My son loves the worksheets. They are much more than drill and practice. They emphasize the concrete with the abstract by offering not only math fact practice, but equations and inequalities which will prepare him for algebra later. I like how the facts from 1-5 are mastered before moving on to sums to 10. Children learn real number sense when they work with small numbers first and build up to larger ones.
We have finished our work for the day on several occasions, gone out for our extracurricular activities and come home with Michael asking if we can do some more math. I purchased the light blue series for grades 1-3. I plan to finish Singapore Math with my 2nd grader and make the switch to Math Mammoth for her in 3rd grade.
Anytime someone posts a request for a good math curriculum on The Old Schoolhouse or Home Educating Family Facebook page, I immediately recommend
Math Mammoth.
When my son got frustrated one day and marked on his paper, I found another thing I love about MM; I can print another page since the file is on my computer.
Thank you for producing such valuable and affordable resources for homeschoolers. I hope your business continues to grow and flourish.
Vickie Brammer
Matthews, NC
March 2012
I am thoroughly satisfied beyond any expectation with this curriculum. I have purchased other math systems, and they have failed us. I love that I can have confidence my home schooled children are learning everything they "need" for a certain grade level, and I can work ahead or skip around a little based on how/what they are learning and how fast, individual interest etc. Homeschooling presents enough obstacles, but you take the guess work out of the question so many of us have, "am I teaching them everything, enough, too much, etc?" I just adore the work you have done, and truly appreciate the too-the-point style of worksheet, because it gives me the "what" to teach, and then I can spend more time on making certain lessons creative based on MY kids learning style. My husband who is an engineer and highly skilled in math, also appreciates the curriculum as he often looks at other programs and wonders why the wheel must constantly be reinvented. I did not understand math until college when I had a great professor and a tutor, and I am elated that my children will grow up appreciating numbers, and understanding the importance of the critical thinking skills they are attaining on their own and through my teaching based on your math lessons. Thank you and thank you!
Lisa Kaiser
Mother of K, and 1st graders
April 2011
I purchased the Light Blue series for grade 1 back in May for my 1st grade son. He has SPD and fine motor issues. Previously, we worked through Singapore for K. While he loves math, Singapore really was too colorful and chaotic for him.
When I handed him his first MM worksheet back in May, he went crazy. He did 5 pages the first day! He really loved the simple layout. After a summer break, we are 8 weeks into the school year, and math is still his favorite part of the day. He loves the puzzles and addition tables. Even though he doesn't like to write and will often ask me to write the answers, he will *always* fill in a full addition table all by himself. I really think MM is the perfect fit for him, and his 4-yr old sister is always on my lap waiting for her turn to do math too. I love your focus on number relationships and the consistent practice of sums. I can tell that future calculations will be much easier because we have really drilled on the different ways to make 10.
Thanks for creating a wonderful curriculum. :)
Amy Knepper
October 2010
My son just turned 4. We have been playing with numbers for a while now. He knows how to write numbers 1 thru 100. So, wanted to take him to the next level. I tried to teach him additions and substraction, grouping etc. but it was not working. After doing a lot of research, I decided to get Math Mammoth. We got the light Blue series as it's structured, affordable (in case it doesn't work I am not wasting lot of money) and it has lot of fun games which is what he needed and links to a lot of useful resources are listed at the start of each lesson. This way I was not wasting lot of time browsing the net, this is what I needed.
As suggested in the book, we are playing with blocks, rocks, abacus and now he understands a lot of concepts which I would have skipped if I didn't have this curriculum to follow. We are going at a slow pace as he is only 4 but he is getting used to all kinds of manipulatives like the number chart, number line, rods, clocks the list can go on... all these fun activities are giving him a very a solid foundation which would have been hard for me to do without this structured curriculum. Best of all, we both are having fun time together learning without him knowing that. I am glad I found this program early on.
Thank you for putting it together.
Mommy to Heath, VA
October 2010
Hi, big thanks for making the Math Mammoth curriculum! After completing another curriculum and having my daughter not "get" addition, and having math time be akin to torture, she is LOVING Math Mammoth and begs to do more!!!!!
Dawn Collins
May 2010
Hi there, I have to say, I'm thrilled with the work books! When I pulled my girls out at the end of March, my 6yo couldn't remember any additions, it was all counting on her fingers, now while she still uses manipulatives, some she just remembers. Subtraction was such a foreign concept, it was instant tears. Now, she walks around the house chanting math sentences. She thinks it is FUN!
May 2010
We have been using Mathmammoth for three days so far and my daughter L-O-V-E-S it.
We started with book 1A on page 10 or 11. She is in second grade this year. However, last school year her teacher neglected to teacher math AND neglected to tell me that my daughter could not add or subtract. Your math curriculum is truly a blessing from God.
She has learned more using this program than she did when we used Saxon and Math-U-See. In addition, it is fun, easy to follow, and easy to teach. We had become so frustrated with math that I stopped teaching it altogether. Now, she is excited and ask when to work on math. THANK YOU!!!!!
April 2010
I just wanted to tell you how HAPPY I am with Math Mammoth! I have two kids who are doing the Light Blue Series 1-A and one child who is in 1-B. They LOVE it! I CANNOT believe how easy and thorough it is for only $30/year!!!! I'm so thankful that I happened to find you on the internet and decided to take a chance and buy the 1-A! If my kids don't quite grasp something it is so easy to just go back a few pages and re-print them. I also love the computer games that you have searched out for me and given the links to. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Lori Brain
April 2010
All I can say is that I am SO happy we went with this program!! WOW!! We pulled my daughter out of school this year as we were not happy with how things were going for her. She should have been in the second grade. I was not happy with her math skills at all and when she took the math placement test it showed she needed back in first grade, with a 31%. She finished the first grade work today and took the final test and scored a 90%!! What a difference!!! She is so proud of herself!!!
I think what made me feel more confident on going with your program out of some of the others I had looked at, was when I did have a few questions, you emailed me back personally. Not many other places do that. I also liked your videos on youtube, those were helpful! Keep up the great work!
Jennifer Cobb
March 2010
Math Mammoth review (Light Blue grade 1) from The Adventures of 3 Guys and A Doll blog
TOS Crew: Math Mammoth by Mel
Review of Math Mammoth Grade 1 Complete Curriculum from Learning As I Go... blog.
I just wanted to tell you how HAPPY I am with Math Mammoth! I have two kids who are doing the Light Blue Series I-A and one child who is in I-B. They LOVE it! I CANNOT believe how easy and thorough it is for only $30/year!!!! I'm so thankful that I happened to find you on the internet and decided to take a chance and buy the 1-A! If my kids don't quite grasp something it is so easy to just go back a few pages and re-print them. I also love the computer games that you have searched out for me and given the links to. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Denise Kennedy
January 2010
Three weeks ago, I bought Math Mammoth for grades 1-2, and I've been evaluating it with my 8-year-old since then. I have been homeschooling for 19 years, and I must say this is one of the best elementary math programs I have seen yet. I have used many different curriculums before, and I find that Math Mammoth combines the best of several. It has the built-in review of Saxon, the uncluttered feel of Miquon, and the incremental, step-by-step skill building of Developmental Math. What I like most about it is that, unlike some other programs, the math facts memorization is built into the program. With every program I've used except Developmental Math, I have had to interrupt the study sequence to focus on memorization drill. Math Mammoth accomplishes this key skill with more clarity and ease of use than I've found in Developmental Math.
Thanks again for a great program--I look forward to using the upper levels in the future!
Jackie Lee
Vero Beach, FL
November, 2008
From a homeschooling parent who has used Grade 1 Complete Worktext with a 6.5 year old, as a supplement to Rightstart Math B:
We like Math Mammoth because it's very clear, logical, mastery-based and easy to use. It's pretty much like Singapore, but with a lot more practice. We use it as a supplement to Right Start Math which has an approach of manipulative → abstract. Math Mammoth has an approach of pictorial → semi pictorial → abstract.
I found that the pictorial presentation of Math Mammoth helps a lot to cement a concept. I could've supplemented RS with Singapore which I did during the K-year, but our concern is that Singapore does not has that many practice. Secondly, the scope and sequence is much too different from RS, because it introduces multiplication and division pretty early, whereas Math Mammoth s & s is pretty in line with RS. And thirdly is the cost. I don't want a supplemental program which costs a lot. Math Mammoth fits the bill. It's really a low cost high quality program.