These video lessons help children learn to tell time on an analog clock, focusing on the whole hours and half hours.
In the first lesson, we ONLY use the hour hand — to make it easy for young students (kindergarten/1st grade) to learn to tell time. In this lesson, we only deal with whole and half hours, such as 4 o'clock and half past 7.
In the second video, Mathy my mascot and I solve simple exercises concerning whole and half hours on an analog clock. We still don't use the minute hand. We tell time using "o'clock" and "half past" — and even figure out what time it is half an hour after the given time.
The next step is to introduce the minute hand.
Free online practice activity for telling time
Whole and half hours — with the minute hand introduced — video lesson
Math Mammoth Clock — a worktext about telling time and using the calendar (grades 1-3)
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