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Learn to tell time to the nearest five minutes - video lessons

In this video lesson, children learn to tell time on an analog clock to the five-minute intervals. I use a clock that shows the numbers for the minute hand, written on the outside of the clock rim. Those numbers of course go by fives (you count by fives). So, the students can simply look at the numbers on the clock for the hour hand, and the numbers I wrote outside the clock for the minute hand, to tell the time.

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In the 2nd part of this lesson, we concentrate on the "tricky times" on an analog clock -- those near the next full hour (times with 45, 50 or 55 minutes). I use a clock with numbers for the minute hand to make it easier for students.

In this lesson we focus on not getting fooled by the hour hand, when it looks like it's already pointing to the next hour, but in reality, it's not there quite yet. These are times such as 2:55 or 8:50, where the minute hand is close to finishing its full round.

If you cannot see the video above, click here for an alternative video player.

You can also do online practice problems for telling time at this link.

See also

Tell time using "past" and "till"

Math Mammoth Clock — a self-teaching worktext about telling time and the calendar (grades 1-3)

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