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AM and PM (morning and afternoon) hours

A simple lesson for 1st grade math, helping children learn morning hours (AM), noon, and afternoon hours (PM). I use a timeline or a number line with hours to show exactly which hours of the day are AM, and which are PM.

Basically, AM comes from "ante meridiem", which literally means "before noon". And PM comes from "post meridiem", meaning "after noon".

We also talk about the common times to sleep and eat various meals using the time line - even Mathy my mascot mammoth chimes in about that! :)

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In the 2nd part, Mathy my mascot draws on clock faces the times when he gets up, eats lunch, and goes to bed. Then I write those times under the clocks. We need to use AM or PM, each time.

See also

Telling time — whole and half hours

Math Mammoth Clock — a self-teaching worktext that teaches telling time and using the calendar (grades 1-3)

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