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Graphing linear patterns in the coordinate grid (6th grade math)

In this lesson we plot points from a given rule between x and y, and vice versa: we find a rule that governs a linear pattern seen in the coordinate plane.

The first "rule" we look at is y = 3 − x. This is of course a linear function, or a linear equation, but here, to keep things simple, we only look at individual points with integer coordinates, and plot some of them. I note that it creates a LINEAR pattern – the points form as if a line.

Later on, we have two rules: one for the x-coordinates (add 2) and another for the y-coordinates (subtract 3). This generates a set of points that again fall on a line.

Lastly, we figure out the rules governing the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates in a linear pattern given as plotted points on the coordinate grid.

See also

The coordinate grid: word problems & applications

Add and subtract integers on a number line

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