
Using and graphing equivalent rates (6th/7th grade math lesson)

Learn how to use equivalent rates to solve problems involving rates. We also make tables of equivalent ratios (actually rates) relating two quantities (price per kg) and compare them.

A set of equivalent rates, such as a set of times & distances when someone goes with a constant speed, gives us a set of NUMBER PAIRS which we can then plot as points on the coordinate plane. We end up with points that look like they're on a LINE... (line - LINEAR - it's a linear relationship).In this video, we first plot a set of equivalent rates having to do a boy riding a bicycle with constant speed. Then we plot TWO sets of equivalent rates - prices per kg - and compare them. (CCSS 6.RP.A.3.a)

See also

Word problems involving unit rates — video lesson

Math Mammoth Grade 6 curriculum

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