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Counting up to make change (3rd-4th grade math lesson)

I go through three examples, showing how to make change by counting up. The items in these examples are fairly low-priced since this is meant for 3rd or 4th grade students. The principle of counting up is: You start with the price, and count up from that until you reach the amount the customer paid with.

Making change

I also explain a shortcut or mental math "trick" for finding the two-digit number, that, when added to a given two-digit number, makes one hundred. In other words, we look at problems such as 37 + ____ = 100 or 64 + ___ = 100. Being able to quickly solve these mentally will help you to be quicker in making change. We then use that to figure out the change with mental math in three different shopping situations.

See also

Word problems with money and change

Math Mammoth Grade 3 curriculum

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