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How to count up to make change

In this video lesson for 2nd or 3rd grade, I explain how to count up to make change. I (and Mathy) go through seven examples where a customer purchases some small item and gives money, and we work out the change in US money: pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills. Children have opportunities to figure it out themselves by pausing the video.

Counting up means that we start at the price and then count up until we reach the amount of money the customer gives. The amount we actually count up is the change.

Click here for another video lesson where I explain the basics of the concept of change.


See also

Change — video where I explain the basics of the concept of change.

Adding money amounts — video lesson

Math Mammoth US Money — a workbook on money topics for grades 1-3

Math Mammoth Grade 2 curriculum

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