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March, 2007: Math Mammoth complete curriculum for grades 1-3 to be offered at WinterPromise store

Starting in June 2007, WinterPromise will offer new Math Mammoth books for grades 1, 2, and 3, in their store and as part of their curriculum package.

These new books constitute a complete mathematics curriculum for grades 1, 2, and 3, and will be offered exclusively via WinterPromise during year 2007 (not even sold on this website for that period).

Each grade level will be offered as a printed textbook and a CD, or a CD alone. The entirety of the textbook is on the CD, and can be printed for use within a family for unlimited use.

The CD will also contain answer keys, tests, and an easy access to script-made free worksheets.

Main Features

Some main features of the curriculum are:

  • focuses on understanding of mathematical concepts
  • uses clear explanations, lots of visual exercises and pattern exercises
  • mastery oriented: concentrates fairly long on a topic, with fairly few topics per grade
  • emphasizes mental math and developing number sense
  • virtually no teacher preparation needed

The new products

Math Mammoth Grade 1-A and 1-B complete worktexts
These two books focus on addition and subtraction concept and basic facts within 0-10, place value with 2-digit numbers, and some adding and subtracting within 0-100. Also covered are some geometry topics, measuring, clock, and counting coins.
Pricing: CD only $32; textbook and CD $52
Contents and sample pages for 1-A (PDF)
Contents and sample pages for 1-B (PDF)

Math Mammoth Grade 2-A and 2-B complete worktexts
These two books focus on memorizing the basic addition and subtraction facts with single-digit numbers, developing fluency with multidigit addition and subtraction, and place value with 3-digit numbers. Also included is introduction to multiplication concept, measuring and geometry topics, clock reading and money.
Pricing: CD only $32; textbook and CD $52
Contents and sample pages for 2-A (PDF)
Contents and sample pages for 2-B (PDF)

Math Mammoth Grade 3-A and 3-B complete worktexts
These two books focus on multiplication concept, memorizing multiplication tables, division concept and facts, adding and subtracting 4-6 digit numbers, and using addition and subtraction to solve problems. Also covered are time, money, measuring, and geometry topics, and introduction to fractions.
Pricing: CD only $32; textbook and CD $52
Contents and sample pages for 3-A (PDF)

Here is the link to the Math Mammoth books at WinterPromise website.

Origin of the curriculum

Math Mammoth books had their start at around 2002, when the author Maria Miller was tutoring homeschooling children, and noticed the difficulties their parents had in explaining mathematics.

This math series is designed to help parents explain and teach math processes and concepts. The books contain very clear explanations, lots of visual exercises, and pattern exercises that help children see the structure of mathematics and clearly understand the concepts of mathematics, instead of just memorizing rules.

Ample practice for computation is not forgotten either.

Math Mammoth curriculum lets children concentrate longer on one topic so as to learn it well, before moving on, building good mastery of key concepts among elementary students.

The goal of the curriculum is to first achieve mastery of one topic, and then move on and build on it. Therefore, in this curriculum you will quite likely see fewer topics per grade, and less review of earlier topics in higher grades.

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