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Math Mammoth Grade 6 International Version

Math Mammoth Grade 6 International Version is a complete maths program for sixth grade, available both as digital and print versions.

cover for Math Mammoth Grade 6-B Complete Worktext
185 pages
160 lesson pages

cover for Math Mammoth Grade 6-B Complete Worktext
178 pages
153 lesson pages

Grade 6-A contents and samples
Grade 6-B contents and samples
Worksheet generator preview
User Guide, grade 6

Prices & ordering

Downloads (2022 Edition):

Grade 6 full set: USD $42.50
(the two worktexts, answer keys, tests, cumulative revisions, worksheet maker, and Soft-Pak)

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Part 6-A only: USD $21.25
(Everything for the first half of 6th grade math, incl. Soft-Pak)

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Part 6-B only: USD $21.25
(Everything for the second half of 6th grade math, incl. Soft-Pak)

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You will be purchasing the downloads from my authorized reseller Comecero, LLC.

Printed copies
(2022 Edition)

The links below are for the Lulu bookstore.

6-A worktext
6-B worktext
Tests & Mixed Revisions
Answer Keys

Amazon and other bookstores: search with the ISBN numbers.

6-A worktext 9781954358973
6-B worktext 9781954358980
Tests & cumulative revisions 9781954358997
Answer keys 9781954379008

Skills Review Workbook

cover for Math Mammoth Grade 6 Skills Review Workbook

This workbook is supplemental, and provides additional practice for the topics in the curriculum. I recommend you purchase it only after you are sure the student does need supplemental practice. Learn more.

At the heart of the curriculum are two student worktexts (A and B), each covering about half a year of maths work. These worktexts contain all the instruction and the exercises in the same book — which makes lesson preparation a breeze. The worktexts are written directly to the student, and thus they allow many children (if they can read) to teach themselves and to learn directly from the books.

You will also get separate answer keys, chapter tests, additional cumulative revisions (I do recommend you use at least some of them), and a versatile worksheet maker (Internet access required) for those times when your child needs just a bit more practice.

This curriculum is essentially the same as the US version of Math Mammoth Grade 6, only customised for the international audience in these aspects:

  • The curriculum teaches the metric measurement units. Imperial units, such as inches and pounds, are not used.
  • The spelling conforms to British international standards (British English).
  • Page (paper) size is A4.
  • Large numbers are formatted with a space as the thousands separator (such as 12 394). (The decimals are formatted with a decimal point, as is used in the US version.)

In money-related word problems, the symbol used is "$" (dollar).

The US version of the curriculum is aligned to the Common Core Standards, which means this curriculum may not be properly aligned to the sixth grade standards in your country. However, you can probably find material for any missing topics in neighbouring grades, which means you can simply re-order the material to solve most incompatibilities between different standards.


  • Math Mammoth focuses on conceptual understanding. It explains the "WHY", so your children can understand the maths, not just learn "HOW" to do it.
  • Concepts are often explained with visual models, followed by exercises using those models. These visual models can take the place of manipulatives for many children; however, it is very easy to add corresponding manipulatives to the lessons if so desired.
  • The curriculum is mastery-oriented. This means it concentrates fairly long on a topic, delving into its various aspects. This promotes conceptual understanding, as opposed to spiral curricula that often tend to jump from topic to topic too much.
  • There is a strong emphasis on mental maths and number sense.
  • It requires very little teacher preparation, which is a big help to most parents. :)
  • The curriculum has no separate teacher's manual nor is it scripted. The introduction to each chapter has some notes for the teacher concerning the material in the chapter. All the instruction is written directly to the student in the worktext, and there also exist accompanying videos where you can see Maria herself teach the material.
  • After each chapter introduction, you will find a list of Internet links and resources (games, quizzes, animations, etc.) that can be used for fun, illustrations and further practice.

Additional features for the download version

  • The PDF files can be filled in on a computer, phone or tablet, using the annotation tools found in many PDF apps. Learn more.
  • BONUS! The download version also comes with BONUS Soft-Pak programs. The 6 programs in Soft-Pak (4 math, 1 language arts, 1 list maker) offer both on-screen and printable activities in a low-graphic, high content format. Read more and see screenshots.

Overview of topics

In sixth year, students encounter the beginnings of algebra, algebraic expressions, one-variable equations and inequalities, integers and ratios. We also revise and deepen the students' understanding of rational numbers: both fractions and decimals are studied in depth, while percent is a new topic for 6th year. In geometry, students learn to compute the area of various polygons, and also calculate volume and surface area of various solids. The last major area of study is statistics, where students learn to summarise and describe distributions using both measures of centre and variability.

The year starts out with a revision of the four operations with whole numbers (including long division), place value and rounding. Students are also introduced to exponents and they do some problem solving.

Chapter 2 starts the study of algebra topics, delving first into expressions and equations. Students practise writing expressions in many different ways, and use properties of operations and the idea of maintaining the equality of both sides of an equation to solve simple one-step equations. We also briefly study inequalities and using two variables.

Chapter 3 has to do with decimals. This is a long chapter, as we revise all of decimal arithmetic, just using more decimal digits than in 5th year. Students also convert measuring units in this chapter.

Ratios (chapter 4) is a new topic. Students are already familiar with finding fractional parts from earlier years, and now it is time to advance that knowledge into the study of ratios, which arise from dividing a quantity into many equal parts. We study such topics as rates, unit rates, equivalent ratios and problem solving using bar models.

Percent (chapter 5) is an important topic to understand thoroughly, because of its many applications in real life. The goal of this chapter is to develop a basic understanding of percent, to see percentages as decimals and to learn to calculate discounts.

Chapter 6 first revises prime factorisation and then applies those principles to using the greatest common factor to simplify fractions and the least common multiple to find common denominators. After a thorough revision of the fraction operations from fifth year (addition, subtraction and multiplication), Chapter 7 provides a thorough revision of the fraction operations from fifth year and includes ample practice in solving problems with fractions.

Chapter 8 introduces students to integers (signed numbers). They plot points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane, reflect and translate simple figures, and learn to add and subtract with negative numbers. (The multiplication and division of integers will be studied in 7th year.)

The next chapter, Geometry, focuses on calculating the area of polygons. After a brief revision of terminology for triangles and quadrilaterals and drawing fundamentals, this new topic is presented simply in a logical progression: first, the area of a right triangle; next, the area of a parallelogram; then, the area of any triangle; and finally, the area of a polygon. The chapter then expands the concepts learned into developing nets for simple solids to calculate their surface area and to figuring the volume of rectangular prisms with edges of fractional length.

The final chapter is about statistics. Beginning with the concept of a statistical distribution, students learn about measures of centre and measures of variability. They also learn how to make dot plots, histograms, boxplots, and stem-and-leaf plots as ways to summarise and analyse distributions.

Please also see the table of contents for 6-A and 6-B, which will let you see a detailed list of the topics covered.


Here is a list of manipulatives, or actually just measurement tools, that are needed for grade 6.

  1. A ruler that measures in centimetres
  2. A protractor


Review: Math Mammoth International Light Blue — a review by Annette V at A Net in Time blog.

Taking a look at Math Mammoth — a review of MM6 by Jaime Gravitt at My Homeschool Story blog

Dear Maria,
You are awesome. Thanks so much for your amazing curriculum. I am using 6th and 7th grade books for my 7th grade daughter who is homeschooling this year. I love that your curriculum corresponds to state standards so when my daughter goes back to school she not be behind. My daughter has gone from a student who did not like math to one who does math first thing in the morning! Thanks again!!

Adriane Orcutt-Fraser

How and where to order

You can buy Math Mammoth International Version:

  • As a digital version on this site ( — using the "Add to cart" buttons.
  • As a print version at Lulu and at other bookstores. You will find links to Lulu and the ISBN numbers at the product pages.

Also available:

Math Mammoth Grades 1-4 Bundle, International Version, $112.50 USD

Get grades 1-4 in a discounted bundle — 34% off! This means you save $57.50 USD.

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Math Mammoth Grades 5-8 Bundle, International Version, $112.50 USD

Get grades 5-8 in a discounted bundle — 34% off! This means you save $57.50 USD.

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By purchasing any of the books, permission IS granted for the purchaser (teacher or parent) to reproduce this material to be used with his/her students in a teaching situation; not for commercial resale. Please note: you are not permitted to share the material with other teachers or parents.

In other words, you are permitted to make copies for the students/children you are teaching, but not for other teachers' usage.


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