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Which Math Mammoth books or materials should you choose?
This page will explain the main differences and similarities between various Math Mammoth series of books, so that you can choose the materials that are BEST for YOUR situation.
Math Mammoth materials are very versatile and accommodate the needs of both parents and teachers. Whether you need a complete math curriculum, review materials, something for filling in gaps, or real-life math supplements, we have something for you!
Custom-made worktexts for
the Mathematics Foundations course offered by the Well-Trained Mind Academy (however, anyone can purchase the worktexts). This is a remedial course meant for middle school students who don't have a good foundation of elementary school mathematics.
Take a 7-day virtual EMAIL TOUR around Math Mammoth! You'll receive:
An initial email to download your GIFT of over 400 free worksheets and sample pages from my books.
Six other "TOURSTOP" emails that explain the important things and commonly asked questions concerning Math Mammoth curriculum. (Find out the differences between all these different-colored series!)
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Feature comparison chart
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*The Blue Series CAN be used as a full math curriculum. However, this means the teacher/parent needs to decide and plan the order of study (which topics to study when). You can get some help from this document.
What should you choose in these situations?
Here are some suggestions for Math Mammoth materials to fit certain common situations. Click on the "speech bubbles" to reveal the suggestion.