MM icon MM Practice

Interactive Multiplication Chart
12-by-12 Grid

Online Practice for grades 2-5

Practice filling in the multiplication tables chart online! The grid goes up to 12 by 12, but you can customize the grid to your student's needs by having certain tables to be pre-filled or grayed out.

For example, you could gray out the more difficult tables of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12, if your student or child hasn't studied them yet. That way, the child only fills in the tables they know.

Or, if your student has mastered the tables of 1, 2, and 10 already, the script can fill them in. That way your student doesn't have to spend time filling in the numbers for times tables they already know well.

This chart is very useful for practicing skip-counting also.

Yet another option is that you can choose what percentage of the chart to fill. If you choose that only 40% of it needs filled in, it takes less time and doesn't become overly tedious for a young child.

For grade 2 students, you could have all the tables filled in except tables of 1, 2, 5, and 10.

For grade 3 students, reduce the number of pre-filled or grayed out tables as they advance in learning the multiplication tables.

Once you set this up, you can also print the page from your browser to have a printable multiplication tables chart.

Tables to gray out:
Rows to gray out:
Columns to gray out:
Percentage of the squares that need filled in: %

Example options:
Quick Links
Tables to gray out:

Rows to gray out:

Columns to gray out:

Percentage of the squares that need filled in: %

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