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Hello again! Welcome back to a new school year!
1. Percent lessons and videos
2. Review: CapJaxMathFax and Ubersmart Math Facts
3. GIVEAWAY: 3 Times Tales DVDs
4. Hating math?
5. Math Mammoth news
6. Tidbits
1. Percent lessons and videos
Need help with teaching percent-related topics? Or need help studying them? Check out these new lessons of mine -- with videos!
Click on the links to read the lessons. You can watch the videos here or on the lesson pages.
Percent - the concept and how to change fractions to percents.
Percentage of a number using mental math
For example, how to find 70% of 5,000 or similar problems.
Percentage of a number using decimals
The same as above, but this time we use a calculator & decimals,
not mental math.
"What percentage..." / "How many percent...?"
How to solve word problems that ask for the percentage.
2. Review: CapJaxMathFax and Ubersmart Math Facts
I had the chance to look into two math facts practice programs, titled CapJaxMathFax and UberMath Software. Both programs drill math facts and keep track of your progress.
My testing "girl" liked them both just fine. Her focus definitely was on getting the percentages on the progress chart to go up (in both programs)!
Please read the review here:
CapJaxMathFax and UberSmart Math Facts programs
3. GIVEAWAY: Three copies of Times Tales DVDs

Folks at Triggery Memory Systems are generously offering THREE copies of their new
Times Tales DVD program for me to give away (for free!). Everyone is welcome to participate, no matter where you live on this planet. Shipping outside US will be by USPS First Class Mail.
To take part, send me an email with "Giveaway" in your subject line. Or, use the
contact form at Math Mammoth site. Choose "Giveaway" as your subject. That's all that's needed to take part!
Winners are chosen randomly using the random number generator at The giveaway will run UNTIL I have at least 150 responses, or till September 12, whichever comes first.
What is Times Tales?
Times Tales is a mnemonic-based program for learning multiplication and division tables. It uses simple stories to provide students with a "memory peg", allowing them to quickly
recall the facts.
4. Hating math?
About this thing where people say, "I hate math", or "I'm not good at math", or "I never understood math", or similar things. It's well-known that in the U.S. at least, people seem to be able to say such things with ease -- it is totally acceptable socially -- but no one readily admits similar things about their reading abilities!
But, we CAN help our students
develop a positive attitude towards math so they won't hate it.
Also, I just read two interesting posts by Bon from
Math is Not a Four-Letter Word that deal with this topic... They can HELP you or others you know overcome this line of thinking.
How to Get People to Stop Saying "I Hate Math"
How to Quit Saying "I Hate Math"
5. Math Mammoth news
- I have prepared a document to help Californian parents and teachers who want to use Math Mammoth:
How to use Math Mammoth to meet California standards.
As it turns out, Math Mammoth actually fares fairly well against California's mathematics standards. The table in the article lists the topics that are missing from each grade level in Math Mammoth, and resources to cover those topics.
Did you know you can purchase a school license to use Math Mammoth in your school, tutoring center, college, or other institution?
Please see details here.
I can also put your institution's logo and/or name on every page (top or bottom) of the materials.
6. Tidbits
Feel free to forward this issue to a friend/colleague!
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Till next time,
Maria Miller