Maria's Math News, March 2018

Hi again and happy spring! In this edition I have:
  1. Math Mammoth news
  2. Multiplication dot cards (free printable) (grades 2-3)
  3. Once Through the Deck review game (grades 1-5)
  4. MORE videos for 5th grade (grades 5-6)
  5. A study order for the Blue Series books (grades 3-6)

1. Math Mammoth news

It's the traditional Math Madness Month at Homeschool Buyers Co-op... and you can save up to 50% on Math Mammoth bundles! The co-op is running a GROUP BUY once again!

The All Inclusive and Everything Bundles have been updated to include Skills Review Workbooks bundle for grades 1-3. The prices have been updated accordingly.

Someone recently asked concerning whether Math Mammoth printed books are spiral or perfect bound. Here's the answer:
  • The books sold at Rainbow Resource Center are perfect bound.
  • At Lulu, the Light Blue series student books and tests & cumulative review books are spiral (or coil) bound. The answer key books are perfect bound.

    At Lulu, you will find the binding type listed in the "Product Details" section of the book... it will say "coil" if it's spiral bound. For example: Grade 1-A complete worktext

    You might also check Lulu's home page as that's where they post special deals, discounts, and coupon codes, which they run often.

2. Multiplication dot cards (free printable)

Some of you might like these multiplication flash cards with DOT arrays.

I like the idea! They could be used to teach beginning multiplication with the answers intact, and later on, cover the answers for memorization/learning practice, but either way, the dots remind the student of the CONCEPT of multiplication.

3. Once Through the Deck review game

Need a quick and easy way to have your child/student(s) review math facts?

All you need is a deck of cards (for each student). The student flips through the cards, adding the same number to the number shown on each card OR multiplying the number on the card by the same number (chosen beforehand). For example, a child might practice the multiplication table of 7, and therefore multiply each card by 7.

Hat tip to Denise for this Once Through the Deck game.

4. MORE videos for 5th grade

I've been editing 5th grade videos lately, so several have been added to the list, such as about:
  • bar models
  • long division
  • prime factorization
  • area & perimeter problems
  • and graphing.
The collection already had videos for decimals, fractions, and problem solving.

5. A study order for the Blue Series books

Many people use Math Mammoth BLUE Series to help their children catch up if they are seriously behind. Some others use the Blue series as their main math curriculum.

The Blue series consists of TOPICAL books... so how does one use them in sequence? In what order would they be used? The choice is yours, and lots of flexibility... but to help you get some idea of what goes where in regards to grade levels, this chart can help.

Thanks for reading! :)

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Till next time,
Maria Miller
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