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Math Mammoth International version

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Math Mammoth International version (Light Blue series) constitutes a full elementary mathematics curriculum for grades 1-8.

This curriculum has proven effective, and can be used in homeschool, in schools, or in tutoring. It is also very affordable as compared to many other curricula.

Each grade level in the curriculum consists of two student worktexts (A and B), and supportive materials, which include the answer keys, end-of-chapter tests, end-of-year test, additional mixed revisions, and a versatile worksheet maker (Internet access required).

Math Mammoth International Version is essentially the same as the US version of Math Mammoth, only customised for the international audience in these aspects:

  • The currency used in the money chapters in grades 1-3 is the Australian dollar. (The digital download versions for these grades include the chapter on money also for the US, British, European, South African, Canadian, and New Zealand currencies.)
  • The curriculum teaches the metric measurement units. Imperial units, such as inches and pounds, are not used.
  • The spelling conforms to British international standards (British English).
  • Page (paper) size is A4.
  • Large numbers are formatted with a space as the thousands separator (such as 12 394). (The decimals are formatted with a decimal point, like in the US version.)

Please note that the curriculum is simply a metrified copy of the US version of Math Mammoth Light Blue series, which is aligned to the US Common Core Standards. Therefore, the curriculum may not meet all the standards in your country, or may cover topics in a different grade or year than what your standards specify.

Please follow the links below to read description of each grade level, see the samples, the table of contents, and find specific purchasing information.

Grade 1 (International version)
Grade 2 (International version)
Grade 3 (International version)
Grade 4 (International version)
Grade 5 (International version)
Grade 6 (International version)
Grade 7 (International version)
Grade 8 (International version)


The placement tests are comprehensive end-of-year tests for the previous grade. For example, if you want to make sure that your child is ready to start Math Mammoth Grade 3, use the end-of-year test for grade 2.

These tests also work as generic math assessment tests.

We have a page with with detailed instructions on how to use the tests. The international versions of the tests are listed on that page, or you can download them below.

The tests are formatted to A4 paper size, use a space for thousands separator (35 230), and only use metric units. The tests for grades 1 and 2 include a section on counting coins, which is with Australian currency. The rest of the tests don't have questions about coins or bills, and use the "$" symbol for currency.

Versions with euro & decimal comma

The versions below are formatted to A4 paper size, use a space for thousands separator (35 230), and only use metric units. They use euro coins and bills, and a decimal comma for money amounts.


The download versions are available at this website (see the "Add to cart" buttons).

The printed versions are available at Lulu and at other bookstores (use the ISBN numbers). Please see links to Lulu on the pages for the individual grade levels.

Also available:

Math Mammoth Grades 1-4 Bundle, International Version, USD $112.50

Get grades 1-4 in a discounted bundle — 34% off!

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Math Mammoth Grades 5-8 Bundle, International Version, USD $112.50

Get grades 5-8 in a discounted bundle — 34% off!

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Main Features

Some main features of the Math Mammoth complete curriculum are:

  • mastery oriented: it concentrates at length on one topic, with very few topics per grade;
  • focuses on conceptual understanding;
  • uses lots of visual models and exercises based on those;
  • emphasizes mental maths and developing number sense;
  • nearly self-teaching since the explanations of concepts are found in the student worktext. So, this curriculum requires very little preparation time from the teacher.

The PDF versions of the student books can be filled in on a computer, phone, or tablet, using the annotation tools found in many PDF apps. See more.

*BONUS*: For grades 1-7, you will also get Soft-Pak elementary maths & language arts programs completely free.

Please see the FAQ for the US version — virtually all of it also applies to the International Version.


Review: Math Mammoth International Light Blue — a review by Annette V at A Net in Time blog.


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